Prompt and Effective Roof Repair Protects Your Home and Your Investment

Residential roof repair is critical because it is literally your top barrier of defense against the rain, snow, and other elements outside from coming inside and causing a very expensive mess.

Like everything else, your roof wears out over time and can get damaged by branches and other debris that pounds against it, particularly during extreme weather conditions. Also, the materials that comprise your home expand and contract, which can cause damage to your roof. With age, all buildings settle, and that settling can cause damage to your roof. So occasionally, you may need roof repair.


How do you know if you need Your roof repaired?

Of course, it’s easy not to think about your roof because it isn’t something you usually look at. If you’re getting leaks through the ceiling, then you’re paying attention. But it’s not unusual for something going on with your roof that you aren’t aware of, such as mold and mildew or loose or missing shingles and normal wear and tear that can eventually lead to a more severe problem with your roof.

In the spirit of “an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure,” let’s look at the importance of roof repair and why it’s never anything that can wait until you are ready for a full roof replacement (though if you don’t do regular roof repairs and maintenance, a roof replacement is going to happen sooner than you might think).


Regular Roof Inspection

A regular roof inspection can, if not avoid the need for any roof repair altogether, at least keep roof repairs to minor fixes at minimal costs. Catching an issue before it becomes a more serious roof repair saves you money and helps extend the lifetime of your roof.

How often do you need a regular roof inspection to avoid roof repair? An annual roof inspection is a general recommendation. However, if you’ve experienced a severe weather event, you might not want to wait that long. Your roofing contractor can work with you not only to provide roof repairs resulting from storm damage but help you work through the roof insurance claims process.

A professional roof inspection not only examines your roof, obviously but also signs of damage to ceilings and walls, such as water stains or mold, that might result from a loss of roof integrity, such as water. A trained and experienced roofer also looks for missing shingles, pooling water, cracks or holes, mildew or mold, rooting wood, and pest infestations that are signs of conditions indicating the need for roof repairs. Inspection is also conducted on related roof components, such as fascia, gutters, soffits, and seals around chimneys and skylights.

Roof inspection also involves a structural inspection. A roofer looks for signs of possible sagging potentially caused by:

  • Missing or damaged collar and rafter ties
  • Damaged rafters or trusses
  • Leaning exterior walls
  • Droopy ceilings

A roof inspection can also include cleaning off any leaves and debris as well as mold that, over time, can damage roofing materials. Regular roof cleaning helps reduce the need for future roof repairs, maintains your roofing, and keeps your house looking good.


Roof Maintenance

Another way to avoid the need for roof repair is with regular roofing maintenance such as cleaning your gutters to ensure proper drainage and keeping water from accumulating on the roof. Remove any tree branches overhanging your roof; this not only minimizes potential storm damage from falling branches but allows more sunlight on the roof to help prevent the growth of mildew and mold.


Roof Repairs

If you perform a regular roof inspection, any repairs are likely minor as you’ve identified a situation before it becomes a more serious problem. These kinds of minor roof repairs usually involve:

  • Patching small leaks
  • Replacing missing or damaged shingles and/or other roofing materials
  • Fixing shingles with curled corners and sealing cracks
  • Repairing flashing and resealing around skylights and/or chimneys
  • Fixing a puncture or hole

Major roof repairs involve more extensive structural fixes to correct issues related to extensive water damage, mold growth, or shrinkage. In some cases, it may require replacing large sections of roofing and possibly the entire roof of the home. In some cases, local governments may require permits and inspections for a roofing contractor to perform major roof repairs.


Roof Replacement

Of course, the type of roof repair that is the most major and the most costly is a roof replacement. Depending on the type and quality of the roof, frequency of regular maintenance, and the performance of minor roof repairs before they deteriorate into more serious issues, you can expect a roof to last anywhere from 15 to 25 years before you need to consider replacement


Elevated Roof Repairs

Residential roof repair requires an experienced and knowledgeable roofing contractor with a commitment to the highest safety precautions. You might think you can do roofing repairs yourself and save yourself some money. Think about how much money you can save from emergency medical services should you stumble and fall off the roof. A professional roofing contractor is insured, which provides you protection against any accidents or damages that may occur during the roof repair process.

Also, the DIYer can easily fail to look for certain conditions or do the initial roof repair itself incorrectly, resulting in the continuation of a problem that leads to a much more expensive roof repair down the road.

Elevated Roofing is the most trusted residential roofing systems installer in Stockton, Galena, Apple River, Lanark, and the surrounding Illinois. We deliver the highest quality residential roofing services at the best price.

If you are considering a roof repair, contact us for a FREE roof inspection and request a quote.