Elevated Roofing Service Area
Elevated Roofing has a service area spanning through Northwest Illinois, Northeast Iowa, and Southwest Wisconsin. We offer licensed residential and commercial roofing services including repairs, replacement with old roof tear down, new construction installation, maintenance, home buyer roof inspections, and will even help you with storm-damaged roof insurance claims to speed up the process and make sure you get what the insurance company owes you.
Illinois License 104.019255 | Iowa License C147349 | Wisconsin License DC-022300173
Some of Our Roofing Service Areas
- Aiken
- Apple River, IL 61001
- Asbury
- Ballyclough
- Brookville
- Budd
- Cathedral Square
- Cattese
- Center Grove
- Centralia, IL 62801
- Chadwick
- Council Hill
- Dickeyville
- Dubuque, IA 52001, 52002, 52003, 52004, 52068, 52099
- Dunbarton
- Durango
- Eagle Point
- East Dubuque, IL 61025
- Edmore
- Elizabeth, IL 61028
- Elkhorn Grove
- Elmoville
- Fair Play
- Freeport, IL 61032
- Frith Spur
- Galena, IL 61036
- Gears Ferry
- Georgetown
- Gratiot
- Guilford
- Harper
- Hazel Green
- Hitt
- Jamestown
- Julien
- Kent
- Key West
- Kieler
- King
- Kittredge
- Lanark, IL 61046
- Lena, IL 61048
- Loran
- Lore
- Louisburg
- Massbach
- Massey
- Menominee
- Millville
- Mooresville
- Mount Carroll, IL 61053
- New Diggings
- Nora
- North Bellevue
- Pearl City
- Pleasant Valley
- Polsgrove
- Portage
- Prairie Corners
- Rice
- Rockdale
- Rodden
- Rose
- Rutledge
- Sageville
- Saint Donatus
- Sandy Hook
- Scales Mound
- Schapville
- Shannon
- Shawondasse
- Sherrill
- Shullsburg
- Sinsinawa
- Smiths
- Stockton, IL 61085
- Strawbridge
- Twin Springs
- Waddams Grove
- Warren, IL 61087
- White Oak
- Wilkins
- Willow
- Winston
- Woodbine
- Yellow Creek
- Zier Cors